Learn Kathak, Bollywood and Indian Folk dance with Rashmi, trained in Jaipuri and Lukhnavi Gharana styles of dance.

Why choose Keller Bollywood?

Kathak Dance can trace its roots back almost 2,500 years. Originally a form of storytelling used by travelling troubadours in ancient India this form of dance has evolved over the years but continues to be popular in the northern regions of India.

Having been trained in this classical art form Rashmi’s true skills is in her ability to combine it’s spirit with modern dance forms popularized by the Indian cinema industry.. a.k.a. “Bollywood”.

Blending the energetic dance form with hints of classical choreography lends to a hybrid art that is easy on the joints, fun to do and entertaining to watch.

With over 30 years of experience dancing Rashmi is the perfect guide if you choose to explore this unique art form.


Bollywood Dance!

  • Best cardio exercise

  • Helps in reducing day to day stress

  • A way to express your inner self

  • Builds confidence

  • Builds teamwork

  • Gives an opportunity to showcase your talent to family and friends and then you get to be the belle of the ball!